unique rental model

The Gym Rental Company operates a distinctively flexible and cost-effective rental model.
We provide state-of-the-art Life Fitness machines and specify, deliver, and maintain the ideal complement of equipment for each client's needs on a month-to-month basis with no deposit required and no long term contract.

This rental structure confers several key advantages for customers. First, clients can easily add or remove pieces of equipment at any point as their needs evolve, paying only for the machines they require during a given month. Moreover, clients are freed from tying up capital in large up-front payments for equipment, allowing them to allocate funds to other priorities within their business.

Clients can upgrade their equipment at any time, despite any previous commitments. Our specialists proactively recommend optimal equipment based on each client's specific requirements and budget.
Finally, clients benefit from the convenience of outsourcing equipment maintenance, upgrades, and delivery logistics to the company's experienced team.

Our rental model offers clients maximum responsiveness, flexibility and value without the commitment and risks associated with more conventional purchase agreements. The absence of deposits, minimum terms or personal guarantees further simplifies the arrangement for clients, streamlining budgeting processes and allowing immediate savings.

The functionality of Life Fitness cardio products is key to the success of our engagement levels as they offer endless possibilities to users on a user friendly platform.
Neil Brown, Strathclyde University

Our partnership with The Gym Rental Company helps create a brilliant member experience that has continued to evolve as trends & customer expectations have changed.
Ian Lowe, RGU Sport